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The University of Barcelona tops SIR rankings for Scientific Research

by Lindsay Cook on 5/16/2011

The SIR rankings were compiled by analysing the investigatory work of universities in both Spain and Latin America. The University of Barcelona beat the other Spanish universities and was ranked fourth.It came behind… more »

University of Huelva discovers 71 Ovidio manuscripts

by Lindsay Cook on 5/3/2011

Experts from the University of Huelva who belong to the Nicolaus Heinsius investigatory group have discovered 71 manuscripts of the Latin poet Ovidio. These manuscripts were found in libraries throughout the world.The… more »

University of Huelva Edits Book About Love

by Lindsay Cook on 4/25/2011

A new book “Diccionario de Motivos Amatorios en la Literatura Latina” has been published which collates some famous Latin writer’s views about love. The book has been produced with the help of 8… more »

New Courses at the University of Salamanca

by Lindsay Cook on 4/11/2011

The University of Salamanca will run two new courses which will start at the beginning of the coming academic year, 2011 -2012.It will be possible to take a masters in Nuclear Physics, a program which is being run in… more »

Alcala University hosts Employment Forum

by Lindsay Cook on 3/29/2011

The University of Alcala  is currently holding its ninth employment forum known as Alcajob. It began earlier this week and will run until Thursday. It is designed to help the students integrate into the job… more »

New University Course in Social Networks

by Olivia Elson on 11/16/2010

Since the boom in social network use in recent years, professionals have decided that such a big business is definitely worth studying in more depth.Now, thanks to the telecoms company Orange, who have sponsored a… more »

University of Cantabria to Become Leading Authority on Renewable Energy

by Olivia Elson on 10/20/2010

The University of Cantabria and a number of companies in the same region are set to become an international point of reference for renewable energy, owing to a pledge of 70 million euros by the Ministry of Science and… more »