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Wikilengua, Not Visited Yet?

by Dilek - Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Finding language sources to study Spanish is a difficult task. Even though internet offers a vast of websites to learn vocabulary or grammar, the accuracy and the quality of the materials are controversial.

Video channels, blogs, dictionary websites offer Spanish teaching materials and also the number of softwares are rising which consequently has caused an interest in online learning. Whichever option you choose, there is a need to check if you are on the right track or not. A website where all the information about Spanish grammar, usage, vocabulary and orthography can be found, has been at service for the last two years. It is called “Wikilengua” and has the same structure as other Wikis. It is an open and collaborative platform that the information is based on references and a lot of examples are given under related categories. The founder of the website is FUNDEU (Fundación del Español Urgente) whose main aim is to provide and promote the right usage of Spanish language in media with the support of EFE Agency.

Wikilengua is a reliable source that helps people on frequent mistakes, doubts on language and all the rules from A to Z . It is not only helpful for those who study Spanish but also native Spanish speakers use it. As the word wiki means “rapid” in Hawaiian, the name will serve its purpose as it shows the changes and updates on a regular basis. In October the number of visits reached one million and the total number since its foundation is 50 million which can be a concrete proof of its importance.  Like other wiki pages, the members can add and edit information and since it is open to public there is no need for registration fee. It is a wonderful opportunity to see the richness of Spanish language as we are not only talking about Castilian. The diversity and the differences between Spanish spoken in Latin America and Spain usually confuse anyone even who studies Spanish. Besides within time the influences of young generation, media, culture and internet have altered some norms of the language or formed new vocabulary.

It is split into 6 categories: Gramática (Grammar), Ortografía (Ortography), Nombres Propios (Proper Names), Léxico (Dictionary), Diseño (Writing Designs) and Mundo de la lengua (The World of Spanish language). Each category has many subcategories whose number is increasing with the new entries.
It is a great tool to check your answers, freshen your knowledge and get to know everything about Spanish language.

Keywords: online learning,language sources,Wikilengua,Spanish,study Spanish


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