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Antonio Carvajal Won the National Poetry Prize

by Dilek - Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Antonio Carvajal won the National Poetry Prize (Premio Nacional de Poesía) for his latest book “The Floating Sunflower” (Un Girasol Flotante).

The well known Andalusian poet who was born in Granada and is still leading his academic career as a doctor at Roman Philology, professor of poetry and Theory of Literature at University of Granada. He is one of the members of Granada Literature Academy whose aim is to promote the studies and the production of fine literature.

He is a successor of the Novisimos poetic trend emerged in 1970’s by a group of Spanish poets took the name from the Anthology called Nueve Novísimos Poetas Españoles (Nine Very New Spanish Poets). They embraced total freedom and could add any external theme from popular culture (cinema, comics, mass media etc.)

His first poetry book Tigres en el jardin (Tigers in the Garden) brought him reputation with a great impulse among his contemporaries. He is acknowledged in the esthetic poets’ category. His support to literature has always been in an original way in terms of classic poetic measure. Some of his works are: Serenata y Navaja, Siesta en el mirador, Después que me miraste, Testimonio de invierno, Los pasos evocados, Diapasón de Epicuro, Una canción más clara, Cartas a los amigos, Pequeña patria huida.

The book which brought him the prize is about contemporary life, its effects and also has elements of  traditional heritage. Although society is in a desperate condition and most of the values are gone, the poet still has faith in humanity. He mentioned that there are "street gangs" in poetry as much as you can see in life yet there are exceptions that several young poets with full of merits have been joining to Spanish literature. He is obsessed with creating a form in search of words. He said the poem that is made not with feelings but words which come together and hit inside is more effective. Here is an example which goes well with the November atmosphere  and you can see how the words gather in Carvajal's poetry.

Aldaba de noviembre

Una tristeza dulce y anterior
al suspiro y las lágrimas,
anterior al idilio de la tarde
azul y el jacaranda,
invade la memoria con su música,
su brisa, su nostalgia:
Es la tristeza de mirar el cielo
cautivo entre las ramas.

Keywords: Antonio Carvajal,Spanish literature,poetry,University of Granada


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