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IED Barcelona opens new school

by Chloe Bustin - Monday, December 5, 2011

This month saw the inauguration of the amazing new IED Barcelona school. The opening ceremony was attended by over 1000 people, with students, teachers, staff members, designers, friends, relatives and journalists alike all celebrating the fantastic new site.

Alessandro Manetti, director of the school, chaired the press conference and the opening ceremony which was also attended by the Vice President of the Government of Catalonia, Joana Ortega, and the mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias.

The evening of the opening ceremony included numerous surprises such as the architectural mapping of the school projected onto the facade of the courtyard and an incredible fashion show of alumni collections. In addition, alumni of the university's Food Event Design catering course prepared a fantastic spread of creative culinary delights.

The opening of the new school is part of the huge celebrations organized as part of the 10 year anniversary of IED Barcelona. As such, there was also an exhibition displayed throughout the new school of all the best student projects of the last ten years.

The new school is certainly going to be put to good use, and there are already a series of debates and conferences that have taken place, including the discussion about the role of design as a transformational tool of the future and the fundamental link between design and business. The expansion of IED Barcelona has without doubt fomented not only the city of Barcelona, but the school itself at the forefront of Spanish design and creativity.

Keywords: IED Barcelona, IED, new school, IED Barcelona 10 year anniversary, Catalonia, Barcelona, Spanish design.


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