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New don Quijote Website!
by Adrián Santos - Friday, November 18, 2011
Our partners at don Quijote, a company dedicated to teaching and learning Spanish, have just revealed new and exciting changes to their website. Not it is even easier to browse through Spanish courses and different destinations to study Spanish abroad in Spain and Latin America.
The changes have made the website easier to use and navigate and the company hopes that users will appreciate the difference in design and navigability. Visit don Quijote’s website at www.donquijote.org and let them know if you like the improvements they have made!
The new updates include:
- Design changes: a cleaner look without sacrificing our trademark orange color.
- A navigational bar at the top of the page to give quick access to our courses and destinations.
- We added relevant videos to all the pages with related content, for example: www.donquijote.org/english/barcelona.asp
- Parallel language navigation, meaning you can switch from one language to another to view the same page in either language without being re-directed the homepage.
- We have improved web load times so hopefully you will notice that the website now is even faster and more efficient!
Would you like more information about Spanish courses abroad? Contact don Quijote or request a program brochure.
Go and LEARN SPANISH with don Quijote!
Keywords: don quijote, spanish, spanish schools