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La Universidad de Deusto Celebrates 125th Anniversary

by Matthew Leake - Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This year la Universidad de Deusto in Bilbao marks its 125th anniversary. To celebrate this important milestone appropriately, the university has created a comprehensive programme of activities and events.

One such activity last week saw the release of a new book called La Universidad de Deusto entre dos siglos (The University of Deusto across two centuries) written by Professor of Contemporary History Jesús Cava. The commemorative book takes a close look at the University’s development over the past 25 years after celebrating its first centenary in 1986, focussing on the challenges it faced coming into the new century and the pressure to be at the forefront of innovation across all areas.

In addition to the book there is also an exhibition called Deusto 125 años, which showcases the whole history of the centre and its importance, not only locally in the cities of Bilbao and San Sebastian, but internationally as well.

The celebrations for the 125th anniversary of la Universidad de Deusto are designed to highlight three key themes. The first is memory, to publicise the university’s long history and as shown by the exhibition and the publication of La Universidad de Deusto entre dos siglos. The second is meeting, so that the university’s present success can be shared by all and celebrated at cultural events such as the concerts being put on for the anniversary. The final theme is reflection, so that people give thought to the university’s future and the importance of its role in society.

Keywords: Universidad de deusto, 125th anniversary, deusto exhibition, deusto book, deusto entre dos siglos


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