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UCLM Reveals the Essentials for Life

by Matthew Leake - Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Faculty of Pharmacology at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha is currently hosting an exhibition entitled “Essenciales para la Vida” - the essentials for life. The exhibition, which began yesterday, has been set up in collaboration with Farmamundi, a non-government organisation dedicated to humanitarian aid and development.

Farmamundi was founded in Valencia, Spain, in 1991 and specialises in distributing pharmaceutical aid to countries in need. The exhibition is part of a wider campaign to highlight that health and healthcare is a universal right for all and that lives can be saved with only the basic medicines. The faculty hopes the exhibition will inspire all pharmacology students as well as those from other subject areas studying at the university to get involved with humanitarian aid.

Visitors can learn about the need for better healthcare by following the life stories of women from Guatemala and Sierra Leon in addition to a series if interactive games. The exhibition, which is being funded by the Albacete Council, will run until the 20th of October.

Keywords: universidad de castilla-la mancha, uclm, farmamundi, essentials for life, essenciales para la vida


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