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University of Salamanca Facade to be Restored

by Lindsay Cook - Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The University of Salamanca has signed an agreement with the Heritage Foundation to carry out restorative work on the university façade. The façade is very famous and is a popular tourist attraction within Salamanca.

It is full of detailed stonework, and tourists and students alike come to try and spot the frog, which is said to bring luck to those who find it. The restorative works will allow it these intricacies to be seen more clearly; the façade has been affected by humidity and is cracked in parts.

The Heritage Foundation have asked for extensive research to be done on the façade before works start. They require information which details its history, analyses the stonework and previous restorative efforts, the most recent of which was done in 1985. They also plan to investigate ways in which birds can be kept off the façade.

The University of Salamanca will pay for 35% of the work and the Heritage Foundation will fund the rest. It is thought that the works will cost around half a million Euros. The Heritage Foundation will contract, supervise and direct the work. Due to the fame of the façade it is hoped that there may be other groups who are interested in contributing financially to its maintenance.



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