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How To Get A Spanish Teaching Certificate

by Dilek - Friday, March 2, 2012

Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world. The interest for Spanish has been growing gradually and the demand for Spanish teachers for foreigners has gained greater importance.

How can you get a Spanish Teaching Certificate?

There are several options for foreigners who want to teach Spanish as a second language.
The oldest is “CEELE”. The CEELE - Calidad en la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (Quality in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language) is a certification that guarantees the presence of quality standards and academic excellence in those schools that have it. It is issued by the University of Alcala de Henares and managed by Eduespaña.
Spanish as a Foreign Language, or ELE is the name given to academic courses of Spanish for foreigners, developed and taught by different Spanish universities, the Official Language Schools and the Instituto Cervantes.

There respective certifications in accordance with these studies, and the Official Language Schools offering certificates of basic, intermediate and advanced. For its part, the Cervantes Institute offers a diploma that certifies the knowledge of Spanish assimilated in them, and called the Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE).

Argentina has a valid certification of international Spanish: Spanish Certificate: Language and Usage (CELU). With its Spanish name ELSE, is a certificate of proficiency in Spanish as a foreign language that all foreigners whose first language is not Spanish can get and want to validate their ability to use this language as a second language for areas of work and study. The CELU is the only test officially recognized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina. Any speaker who can use Spanish effectively to interact with others in a speech community can take the CELU, regardless of course or method you have chosen to study the language.

Besides these official certificates, there are some private organizations offering Spanish teaching certificates. These courses combine with the teaching methods and formation providing a support system for candidates to improve their teaching skills and catch up with the updated cultural information of Spain and Latin America. In most of the countries the desire to learn Spanish is increasing so the language centers are looking for Spanish teachers.

You can pick one of the courses which is most suitable in Spain or Latin America for a promising career as a Spanish Teacher.

Keywords: spanish teaching, CEELE, ELE, DELE, CELU, ELSE, Spain, Latin America


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