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Tony Blair Addresses UEM on Economic Globalisation

by Matthew Leake - Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair recently spoke at a conference at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. In a presentation entitled “The challenges and opportunities facing a globalised world”, Blair analysed the different economic and political forces that are now in control after the global economic crisis.

The former Prime Minister described the modern world as being “inter-dependent”, in which everyone’s actions affect each other. He also stated that soon it would not just be the United States and Europe that control world affairs but that extra consideration has to be given to emerging economic forces such as China and Brazil.

Also speaking at the conference was the President of the Universidad Europea de Madrid, Miguel Carmelo as well as the Rector, Águeda Benito. Blair finished his presentation on a positive note by highlighting that people need to be more willing for change as there are so many opportunities to be gained; all we need is to be ready for it.

Keywords: UEM, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Economic crisis


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