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Barcelona and Madrid among the 20 best cities to study

by Dilek - Friday, February 17, 2012

Two Spanish cities take part among the "best cities to study" leaving several big cities behind like New York or Hong Kong.

The "sea and the renowned Catalan appetizing tradition," but also the excellence of some of its universities like the University of Barcelona and the Barcelona Autonomous University have made the city ranked in the eleventh best city in the world to study, according to the QS Top 50 Best Cities to Study 2012. The criteria of the selection is based on surveys which show students' preferences, enrollment rates, quality of life and even the reputation of employers.

Along with Barcelona, Madrid also finds a place in the list selected by QS, a research and development of university rankings worldwide. The Spanish capital known for its "legendary nightlife," its wide range of art and excellent value for money from universities, thanks to the University of Complutense, Carlos III of Madrid and the Polytechnic, Madrid got the 16th place in the list.

With average rates between 2,000 and 4,000 dollars per year (1,500 and 3,000 euros), the Spanish capital remains attractive to international students, the study clarifies. Madrid attracts 13500 international students every year and being a major European capital, as it is expected, the cost of living is fairly high but when it is compared to other European capitals, with affordable education fees it is counterbalanced. Apart from that, students enjoy their life with its famous nightlife, historical places and gastronomic tradition.

Barcelona is one of the most prosperous cities in Europe, yet living costs remain reasonable compared to other cities in Europe. In Barcelona, by contrast, average rates are somewhat lower, about $ 2,000 (1,500 euros). Over 13000 international students prefer this amazing city to study and when tuition fees are taken into account with respect to other cities like Paris or London, Barcelona is more appetizing. The graduates of Barcelona’s universities have a higher credit among international employers which creates a positive career path for students. Its sunny climate, sociable lifestyle makes Barcelona one of the most attractive spot to study.

As a result, Spain has developed a diverse, multicultural student population which, over time, has made the Spanish education system one of the most attractive in Europe, thanks to its cultural diversity.

Keywords: study in Spain, Barcelona, Madrid, Spanish


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